I've always wanted slimmer legs. >.< I came across SNSD's Jessica and Tiffany's leg workout routine which they did on StarKing back in 2010. So i'm super late!
Tiffany's trainer mentions "ideal leg measurements" which is 5-3-2 (50's-30's-20).
If you want slimmer legs, you could try out Tiffany's 532 Leg workout. Demonstrated in this video.
Tiffany's trainer mentions "ideal leg measurements" which is 5-3-2 (50's-30's-20).
► To find measure your legs:
- Measure the thickest part of your thigh (5)
- Measure the thicket part of your calves (3)
- Measure the smallest part of your ankle (2)
But just for fun, do you have ideal kpop leg measures? ^__^
Of course your height plays a role too, so don't be too harsh on yourself! Everyone has different body types, thus different leg proportions. People with shorter legs, will likely be less then 5-3-2.
My measurement is: 53-34-19
Height: 163cm / 5"3
My ankle is close~ Tell me in the comments below what your measurements are? ^__^
Mine are 41-29-18....I don't know how i should feel about that!
ReplyDeleteWoahh you have really nice slim legs~ ^^ I would love them :D
DeleteDon't say that!Yours are better!I want to gain weight because now i have the body of a 12 years old girl...and i'm 19!It's bad!!!
DeleteLets swap bodies! xD Ive been trying to lose weight >.< but fooodd~
DeleteHave you tried doing workouts to gain more weight by building and toning muscle? ^^
I did try it but it didn't work well for me!I have an hourglass figure and in order to look good i need to gain fat!I'm not even that skinny as those idols!(I'm 1,59 cm and 43,7 kg)As you said let's swap bodies...Or give me your height.1,63 cm is my ideal height!
DeleteOuch that sucks :/ I remember seeing drinks that help people gain weight, it might work for you since it has high calories and other stuff in. ^^ Haha sure, I would give you my height I could xD
Deletewhat is the best proportion of legs based on a height of a person? now I can be so sure that my heights is168cm. what should be the actual length of the legs i could possibly obtain?
DeleteLeg Measurement: 47-30-19
mine are 47-30-19
Deletemine are 50~31~22^^
ReplyDeleteLucky you blessed with ideal kpop legs~ ^.^
DeleteYou think so? But i don´t much like my legs
DeleteNaww your legs are fine >.< should learn to love your body~ ^^
DeleteI'm 44-31-18
Deletesame mine is 50-32-21 i wish i could lose some on my calves xx I'm 19 and 5'4
Delete35-28-17, 14 years old, 5ft 6in, mine is average measurement.
ReplyDelete53'35'22 xD
ReplyDeletei used to like tiffany's legs but now she's too skinny :< i wish she would go back to this btw i love ur blog <3,<3
Woooo perfect legs! XD I agree, she looked more healthy back then but overall she still looks amazing now! :') Aww thank you! ^__^
Deletemine are 34 25 16
ReplyDeleteWoahhh so slim! Im jelly *^*
DeleteMine are 49-32 and 21 soooo close I'm 5'3 and 49kg I wanna grow!!!
ReplyDeleteI feel you! I wish i was at least 5"7 >.<
DeleteGiiirll whattt I’m also 5’3 weight 49kg AND I’m 49-32-21 I’m scared
Delete50.8- 34.29- 21.59 I'm around 165cm
ReplyDeletePerfect! ^^
Deletewhat is the best proportion of legs based on a height of a person? now I can be so sure that my heights is168cm. with a weight of 47kg. what should be the actual length of the legs i could possibly obtain?
ReplyDeleteLeg Measurement: 47-30-19
Theres an article from Daily Mail saying that the "perfect leg proportion is 1.4 times the upper body."
DeleteYou can work out your ratio using this formula: Length of leg / (Total height - Length of leg)
Make sure to measure from your hipbone to bottom of your foot. ^^
Mine is 45-30-21. I'm turning 18 this month and my height Was 153 cm the Last time I checked..
ReplyDeleteIs it weird if I say that my ideal weight is at least 50 kg? People kept saying though that my weight is cool cause I only weight 43 kg .. but it sucks..
Can anyone help me how to gain weight and height? I'm really more afraid that my height woul affect my future career bcause one of the requirements of the course i'm getting in school is be at least 5"2 ..
i'm afraid it's all gonna fall off down the drain.. :"(
No no thats not weird at all! Everyone has different preferences :')
DeleteWith gaining weight you should do the opposite - eating more calories than you burn. When I was in Asia I saw supermarkets selling weight gain milk/milkshakes, maybe you could give those a try? ^^ I'm not a nutritionist so please check with a professional before doing changes. ><
As for height, I'm trying gain some too hahah xD Its quite hard due to our age, but its not impossible. Changing your lifestyle by doing more exercise and eating balanced (don't forget your dairy i.e milk, need calcium for your bones) is said to help. ^__^
I'll tell how to grow taller. I'm an Australian born Asian. Most Asians are a little short, but some are tall. I'm pretty tall for an Asian. 178cm. And I weigh 54kg. I think I'm way too tall. I really wish that I was shorter. And they say that girls stop growing at the age of 23. SO YOU STILL HAVE TIME.
-Eat a lot of spinach (not too much though)
-Drink 250mL of milk everyday
-Eat a 1kg bag of carrots in 1 and a half weeks (carrots should not be eaten too often)
-Get at least 8 hours of sleep for your age
-Don't lift weights, thats a nah nah~ >,<
-Exercise daily
-Eat plenty of fruits and nuts
-Avoid bad carbs (chips- eww)
And yeah. Don't put a diet into yourself. Never do that. I suggest: (My Daily routine)
Wake up at 7AM: Morning 15 minute jog in your backyard, 50 sit ups, skip for 2 minutes. Eat usual brekky and an apple, banana, orange, etc. FRUIT IN GENERAL
*Uni classes*
Lunch: Salad with grilled chicken. Nice and balanced. A muesli bar (not if you're allergic to nuts) And another piece of fruit.
Dinner: Usual dinner and a hand full of nuts.
REMEMBER TO DRINK PLENTY OF WATER, at least 2L a day. Avoid sugar, oil and bad stuff. As you can see, I don't take energy drinks or protein powder or anything. In the morning, that's if you have time, I like making a blended juice. Including: Spinach, Carrots, Tomatoes, Cucumber, Oranges, Apples, Ginger, Rockmelon/Cantaloupe, Kale, a table-spoon of healthy Chia Seeds, Organic Manuka Honey and Coconut Oil (very healthy for you skin, hair and diet)
HOPE IT HELPED. BTW: 50kgs is the average for 152cm. And don't worry if you're not tall. It's best to friend someone that's nice on the inside rather than beautiful on the outside. Wish everyone luck, whoever reads this!
Send an email to me at anytime, asking questions on health. And the reason why I care for my health and everyone's is because I want to be a Health Doctor or Counsellor. And maybe, if university is too hard, I may go to New York and sign up to be a Victoria Secret Angel. GOOD LUCK!!!!: nitrofinity@gmail.com
I'm 170cm with 53, 32, 20 :3
ReplyDeleteMine is 54,32,19 and im 172 We're really close
Deletemine is 51-34-21 and 166' tall is that okay?
ReplyDeleteYeah. That is nice legs for a tall girl. If you slim the calves/shins alittle more, it would be balanced. But still, nice legs.
Delete^ what Misaki said ^^
DeleteHigh-Five! My name's not Misaki. I just try to be more internet safe. Real name's Ashleigh. NICE TO MEET YA!
DeleteAwww cute name! Nice to meet you too ^__^
Deletebut I like your name, cause... I like Michelle Phan. Youtuber. She does make-up stuff
Deleteomg I LOVEEEE Michelle Phan *^*
Delete54-32-22 I'm like 159 cm... And 102(?) pounds Then again, I'm 12, I'm growing. I think I have bigger thighs than the rest of my legs
ReplyDeleteIm 12 as well. I'm 165cm or 5 feet 4 and 1/2 inches. And I'm 99 pounds or 45 kgs. My measurements are 49-29-19 (in cm). And yeah... we're pretty much still growing. But at this age, for some girls, they are afraid of their final outcomes when they grow older, either skinny or average or fat. But, like my sister, she was fat as a kid, not too fat though. And now, she is like a stick. So, puberty can really change your shape and appearances. Some people go from fat to skinny or skinny to fat or they just stay the same. Some people have smooth skin to rough skin or rough skin to smooth or it just stays the same. So yeah, we're growing.
DeleteWowww so young! ^^ thats completely normal~
DeleteMines 50-33-20 lol close enough
ReplyDeleteI'm 5'1 and I'm exactly 50-30-20! I'm 14. I always thought my legs were huge but I'm really proud of my legs now.
ReplyDeleteCheck you out and your perfect legs ^.<
DeleteMy one is 49-29-19.... And im 19 years. 178cm tall and i weigh 54kg. I wanna sign up to be a Victoria Secret angel.
ReplyDeleteSo jelly of your height! *^* Awwww good luck! ^__^
DeleteBtw. Don't be jelly. I might eat you. Joking. I feel too tall. You always have to stand at the back for photoshoots.
DeleteWhelp, I'm 168cm tall. 53 - 34 - 22. I think I'm pretty okay with that. ^0^
ReplyDeleteIm 15 years old and 150 cm.. 51-36-20.. I still think my legs are huge.. :|
ReplyDeleteDon't say that, you're still growing so your body will go through many changes ^^
DeleteI am 47kg,167cm. Mine is 51-33-22. Pretty huge,right?? I am not confident in my legs at all, and i can't wear short skirts because of that*prettysad*. I was really upset about my thighs, but its 51. In kpop idols,the thing i am jealous of are their legs. And i think their legs are pretty small than this 50-30-20. :( I should workout,right??
ReplyDeleteYour proportions sounds perfect to me, so jelly of your height! Sorry to hear that >< leg exercises might help tone your legs to achieve slimmer legs ^^
DeleteDont be,i am not that tall :P But i think my lower thighs are big:( Do you know the ideal measurement for lower thighs?? I really want to know that :( Yeah, i have been doing exercises, and i am gonna start using elliptical trainer too ;) And tbh you are pretty and i love your blog so much :) Your style is dope (esp your hair) (y) I envy you :);)
DeleteEveryone has differentness body types, so theres a different "ideal measurement". Theres an article that states "perfect leg proportion is 1.4 times the upper body." You can work out your ratio using this formula: Length of leg / (Total height - Length of leg) Make sure to measure from your hipbone to bottom of your foot. ^^
Deletegood luck with the elliptical trainer! ^^
awww thank you lovely ^__^ <3
Thankz for the info hun :) Mine is exactly 1.40 :) So i think thats a good news :) ^^
ReplyDeleteYou're most welcome! ^^ check you out miss perfect ^.< glad to hear it~ ^__^
DeleteI've read the comments.. im like... o.o why so nice all your bodies...
ReplyDeleteim 14 years old 165 cm 52 kg
my measurements are 51:32:22
the ratio based on the formula u gave is 1.2
i still feel im fat tho.. hahaha people say i look 17.. *sob*..
awww please dont feel bad about yourself! ><
Deleteits completely normal at your age because your body is still growing~ ^^
when i was 14, my weight was in the 60+kg zone
Wow... O.O
Deletebut no matter how little i eat i dont lose weight...
*sigh* big bones after all.... too much calcium(?) Maybe hahahah
hmm do you exercise have and good a balance diet? ^^
Deleteeating less wont do much as its doesnt help your body burn fat
My measurements are 45 : 29.5 : 19 and my height is 1.63cm... Close! except for thighs... u.u
ReplyDeleteWoahhh your legs are so slim :OOO i is jelly!
Deletei am 45-33-21. surprised because my legs look nowhere as skinny as snsd's legs. im about 166~167 cm and im 45 kg and im 13. is this weird??? O.O
ReplyDelete45-31-21. i'm 166~167 cm , 45 kg, and im 13 so i might still be growing. but im surprised because i dont look anywhere as skinny as snsd. is this weird????
ReplyDeletealso i may have sent this three times, every time i commented it didn't count my comment, maybe it just doesn't show up right after you comment. if you see 3 similar comments, i'm sorry... >.<
Woahhh your figure though! Nope, if you watched the video, their legs are slightly thicker than in picture, so theres a possibility in photos it may be photoshopped slimmer~ i've also read somewhere they put a product on their legs to make it look shiny and long during performances ^^
DeleteIts fine~ xD its my blog settings, so i can moderate and read every single comment ^__^
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI've 50-32-20 1,55 tall. 15 years old. I really don't like it >.<
ReplyDeleteI have 43-29-17, but I am short - 151 cm and 39 kg, maybe I should work out more my thighs, so they would become more proportionate.btw I am 23 yo, so I guess no more growing is gonna happen :D
ReplyDeleteYou could do ^^ but from your weight I assume you might have a thin bone structure, so your leg proportions suits your body~
DeleteI have 50-33-24 :( and my height is around 167
ReplyDeleteI'm....... 162cm... 53;37;21 ...... why is my calves so big....
ReplyDeleteI'm 5'2" and 105 pounds, my leg measurements are 49-32-22. Does anyone have any leg slimming exercises that actually work? I want my calves to be a bit slimmer. The measurements may be okay but my height makes them look a bit bigger. Any advice??
ReplyDeleteI have 48-32-19.5, but because I'm 159 cm, it looks bigger...
ReplyDelete159-160 cm tall
damn I'm 47-30-20, I'm v skinny for my height though lmao, I'm Sooyoung's height 170cm
ReplyDeleteI'm 5'9" with 50-30-19! I haven't exercised in years but I've started again recently. Hoping to turn my thighs into pure muscle too!
ReplyDeleteI'm 5'6'', 19 years old with 52-32-23, I do quite abit of sport, but need to work a little more on my diet (I love Pizza so much lmao) but I'm working on it.
ReplyDeleteMine are 56-36-23... Working on losing weight though! My legs and hips have always held the most weight on my body sadly :( Plus I'm only 163 cm, so I'm pretty short and chubby lol. Have to work on slimming my legs down!
ReplyDeleteMine are 50 - 33 - 21, but I'm only 164 cm o(╥﹏╥)o
ReplyDeleteI'm training hard to loose wait ><
167 cm; 17 almost 18 years old ^^'
ReplyDelete50 ~ 32 ~ 21
Hm still got some way to go but could be worst xD
Mine are 53,5 33,5 21, 163cm, 55kg, 21 y.o Ahhhh what do you think? Btw thank you so much ;)
ReplyDeleteMine are 54-35-20, what do u think? ^^
ReplyDeleteI'm 16, my weight is 48-50 kg, 157 cm, and mine measurements are - 50/51-32-21 :/
ReplyDeleteI'm 5'1, 47 kg and my legs are 50-33-22. Since I'm short though, my legs, especially my thighs, look bigger than they really are. That's probably just me though aha
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel! I'' the same height as and have the same measurements as you! Like I know my legs are normal looking but if they were longer they wouldn't appear as "big" as they are now
DeleteI'm 162 and my legs are 50,31,19 but before they used to be 47,30,18 until I gained a bit of weight I used to be 42kg now I'm 45 do you think I'm still ok
ReplyDeleteI'm 162 and my legs are 50,31,19 but before they used to be 47,30,18 until I gained a bit of weight I used to be 42kg now I'm 45 do you think I'm still ok
ReplyDeletedont worry, you're definitely okay! ^^ it normal for the measurements to increase if youve gained weight x
DeleteIs this in cm? If it is then I'm 51-32-20.5.. I'm 5"0, I weigh 51 kg and I just turned 14 years old. I feel really insecure about my weight and my legs since I used to be in really really good shape and weighed 43 kg around February but then I started gaining weight and now I'm 8 kg heavier and I can't wear fitted clothing anymore since I bloat so easily... Does anyone have any advice?
ReplyDeleteyesyes ^^ awww dont feel insecure, im 19 and am still pretty much the same xD
DeleteSimple tips on preventing bloating/getting rid of it would be to not eat things high in salt and drinks loads of fluid (ideally that detox your body, like peppermint tea, lemon detox water etc ^^)
I have 72 cm long legs and 160cm in height ... I am 13 years old .. measurement is 50-31-20 and that is very bad
ReplyDeleteI am 164 cm tall and 17 years old my measurements are 54-33-21. I think my thighs are pretty huge.
ReplyDeleteOmg! I'm so fat, I saw all your comments and girls, all of you are ok compared with me, so don't give up!! I'm 53-33-25! I'm 160cm, 49 kg, 80 cm long legs and I'm 15! I think I need a new diet and more exercise ��
ReplyDeleteOmg girls! All of you have an ideal type of body, so don't be sad! I'm the fat here, but everything has a solution, nothing is impossible just remember! I'm 15 years, 160 cm, 80 cm long legs, 50 kg and my mesures are 53-33-25 so I'm going to put a new diet and do a lot of excercise! 😊
ReplyDelete49-29.5-18.5. 19 years old 152cm TT not sure bout my weight but should be around 40-45kg XD
ReplyDelete54-34-19 171 cm also 60 kg >.> I think I need to diet
ReplyDelete49-31-18.5 163cm 100lbs (45kg?) I love my body so much! Add on my 84-58-84 bust-waist-hip measurements and I'm so lucky xD
ReplyDeleteI'm 17 and my weight is 99.208 lbs. I'm 5 ft 2 and my leg seizure is 47-30-20 but my thighs look still fat. My legs are only 85 cm long. Should I still do the workout to loose fat at my thighs?
ReplyDeleteMy calves tho ;-;
ReplyDelete1.61m and 52kg
52-32-18.5 Urggg I have to gain weight
ReplyDelete53'35'21 I still feel like I need to lose more fat on my thigh area though... It doesn't look really good, while being 5'9 tall.
ReplyDeletemine are exactly 50-30-20! i’m 15 and 165cm , and i weigh ~ 43 kg
ReplyDeletewow, perfect!
ReplyDelete1,6 m
Mines 50, 33 and 21... I never thought I'd have what people define as 'kpop legs' but I guess working out and stuff has helped I'm actually super surprised ^~^ ♡
ReplyDeleteI am 17 and about 5'4". My leg measurements are 50-32-18. I don't know how to feel about that😅.